Expanding or Opening a New Call Center How Can We Help?

At the heart of every business there is the need for customer acquisition no matter iof you are in the B2B or B2C market. Lead and customer flow as important and managing them, quickly and effectively is paramount to your business success. At first many people manage the customer acquisition and support function using as small team or even the Managing Director themselves operates the customer journey. As your business grow the need for more staff normally grows in line and in high volume areas such as it or financial service or estate agency the need for a call centre style operation or growing your existing customer support department may become obvious. As with anything in business expansion takes careful planning as it is easy to overspend quickly and affect your bottom line.
A1 Office Furniture work with new and existing clients every week or are looking to expand their organisation by a adding a call centre to the business. The cost involved include staffing premises technology and call centre furniture itself. This is where we step in working with call centre nationwide we understand the core requirements of what is needed out of furnishing a new or existing call centre. There are challenges we will speak to our clients about these include but are not limited to
- Space
- Cost
- Noise
- Security
- Environment
Not every office has an abundance of space likewise not every business has an abundance of spare money and getting the best deal possible on you knew call centre furniture can really help reduce overheads of your expansion.
Let’s look at each of these areas and see how A1 Office Furniture has helped meeting these requirements.
Space & environment are always a crucial thing it is important that your staff are equipped with a positive tidy and presentable office environment it is proved that especially in call centres that this improves productivity making your employees work harder if they enjoy their surroundings. We have been supplying call centre and office furniture for over 120 years and throughout this time have worked with manufactures to get office furniture that is perfect for call centers. Reducing desk space slightly and opting for a bench desk system can really help maximise the space you have available without your team feeling claustrophobic on top of each other. With call centers noise can be an issue and careful planning and consideration needs to be taken to ensure this can be minimized. We offer a range of screens that work with our bench desk systems. These screens can be ordered in a range of fabric and are able to help reducing noise. The screens color range meaning you can match your noise reducing screens to your corporate image and existing office décor.
What is needed per team member? Going for bench desking for you call center furniture needs is the simple and practical thing to do. We have many different ranges in colors and sizes available. Although the desk is sorted the hat is not the only furniture you need per two people we believe you will need the following.
2 Under desk Pedestals Matching the bench desks
As a national office furniture supplier throughout the UK we work tirelessly alongside manufactures to ensure that we are bringing the best quality at an affordable price to our clients. If you are fitting out your new call centre or updating your existing one please call us on 0845 450 8095 to discuss your office furniture needs.